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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Amanda Earl

Amanda Earl, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Amanda launched her newest chapbook Welcome to Earth: poem for alien(s) published by Bookthug at the Dusty Owl Reading Series 21 September 2008.

From the Dusty Owl web site bio:
Amanda Earl's poetry has been recently published in Rampike (Windsor, Ontario), fillingStation (Calgary, Alberta), the New Chief Tongue (Mount Pleasant, Ontario), Peter F. Yacht Club (Ottawa, Ontario), some assembly required (pooka press, Vancouver, BC), Van Gogh's Ear (Paris, France). above/ground press published two chapbooks by Amanda in 2007/2008: "Eleanor" and "The Sad Phoenician's Other Woman." Her chapbook, "Welcome to Earth" is forthcoming from Bookthug (Toronto, Ontario). Amanda is the managing editor of and the Bywords Quarterly Journal & blogs too much at and


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