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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Curry is Good for You

rob mclennan writes:

"Called the best concrete and visual poet in Canada as well as the third
largest collector of small (& micro) press in Canada, Ottawa
writer/editor/publisher/bookseller jwcurry is going through financial
straits, so I am posting this (first) list of some (selected) items you can
purchase directly from his Room 302 Books; other items available by
various writers such as Stuart Ross, bpNichol, Frank Zappa, Nicholas
Power, Peggy Lefler, Nelson Ball, David UU, Daniel f. Bradley, Mark Laba,
Lillian Necakov, Steven Smith, Laurie Fuhr, William Hawkins, Steve McCaffery,
issues of Open Letter, The Berkeley Horse and others; check with curry
directly for other lists, titles, etcetera. If you want to know more about
some of jwcurrys publications, check out the piece I wrote on him in Open
Letter (or wait a few weeks for the same piece to run in my collection of
literary essays); hes an indispensable resource that isnt taken advantage
of nearly enough. Items run from into the hundreds of dollars to mere a
penny; annual subscriptions available. "


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