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Monday, August 14, 2006

American Suburb launched

"The simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as the precise organization of forms which gives that event its proper expression... . In photography, the smallest thing can be a great subject. The little human detail can become a leitmotif."
— Henri Cartier-Bresson

With a plethora of photo gallery websites on the net there are many talented amature photographers slugging away with their hobby. There only a few of them that I follow religiously. One photographer I follow on a regular basis goes by the username of 'Luminous', aka 'dR'.

I first encountered Doug Rickard's photographs on last year. I was hooked immediately and have been a regular browser of his gallery of sublime black and white photographs. Most of the photos in his portfolio are of his family and immediate friends taken in his home state of California. The photos, however, transcend mere family snap shots. They are utterly compelling and are in the realm of art. Doug recently launched his own website recently (and finally I might add). I am sure you won't be disappointed when you take a trip to his photographic world. Simply amazing portraits inspired by the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson but you'll recognize that his style is uniquely identifiably to only Doug Rickard.


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